21 mei 2011

Happy weekend!

If you like to catch a glimpse of me, pop over to hop on the Six Senses Tour my sweet friend Fizz is hosting, here


You might want to enter my giveaway, here


44 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat leuk weer allemaal lieve Saskia,jullie wonen prachtig...ik wens jullie weer een genietvol weekend samen...dikke knuffel vanuit Belgie...xxx

  2. Anoniem21/5/11

    I just checked out your country home on her blog and it is beyond gorgeous!! How delightful =) Xoxoxo

  3. I loved the pictures with the water in front of the buildings and the unique shape of the roofs. The yellow flowers were so pretty along the side. Thanks for sharing and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  4. what fun, saskia. i'll have to pop over and view your beautiful home.

    it's a little dark and gloomy outside today. but inside, we're busy baking for my oldest daughter's birthday tomorrow.

    have a lovely weekend, my friend.

  5. I loved all the beautiful photos over there. I didn't realize you had 4 little ones! I remember those days :-) You have a beautiful home.
    Have a lovely weekend there.

  6. Happy weekend to you Saskia!
    I just stopped over to Felicity ~ what a beautiful post you wrote and the pictures are soooooo lovely!
    *wishing you a sweet weekend*
    blessings to you ♥ Maria

  7. OH MY GOODNESS...I am running over there RIGHT NOW! AND...where is this lovely CHATEAU situated my sweet? Oh what a PERFECT RAIN SHOWER WE ARE HAVING TODAY DEAREST...and do you know that I was gardening in the rain? I WAS LOVING IT!!!! NOTHING STOPS ME!!! And are you ready to post on Paris next Saturday? Put on your comfortable shoes and peruse the party guests my friend; we are going to have a blast. GROSSES BISES MA CHÈRIE!!!! HAVE FUN, Anita

  8. O.K.....I just came back from a DREAM LAND MY DEAREST....YOU HAVE BLESSED MY HEART SO MUCH to actually SEE your lovely face, FULL ON....and to see WHERE YOU LIVE! I have got to show my husband this when he comes back; your home country is so lovely and WHEN I GO THERE...I will visit you and several other ZUSTERS that just make my blogging experience the best...

    MUCH LOVE TO YOU..NO WONDER YOU HAVE SO MUCH JOY...living in the country with your little babies is a dream!!! BISES, Anita

  9. Hi Saskia,
    Lovely place! Is it your house?
    Have a happy weekend.

  10. oh, i loved hearing more of what your life is like! what a wonderful home in the country. i know your 4 little lambs are lucky to go to the big city school, but even luckier to come home with you to Street B every weekend! you are such a darling!

  11. What a view!!
    Have a happy weekend my friend!!
    We FINALLY have some sunshine here!! :)

  12. WOWOWOWWWWW SASKIA...you have a HAVEN OF A HOME and I am so happy to know that you are living in a place where nothing but beauty surrounds you my dear, dear friend! JOYFUL INDEED!!!! Anita

  13. Is dat jou huis Saskia? wat een heerlijke plek...!

    Een heel fijn en vrolijk weekend voor jou ook!

    Lieve groet Michelle xxx

  14. Happy week end Saskia,your followers are very close to be 1000,your blog is beautiful!.

  15. It was a lovely read and I especially loved the pic of your kiddies - wow 4 children!! xx

  16. Ik ben sprakeloos lieve Sassie...wat een geweldige post.....en wat woon je mooi en wat een schatjes heb je toch enne....die foto !! veel leuker dan je profiel foto.....dit ben jij ...puur Sassie....100 %...xxx...xxx...xxx...het was heerlijk vandaag...lekker weer gezellige mensen leuk leuk !!....morgen weer......liefs van mij...xxx...

  17. Anoniem21/5/11

    Happy weekend dear Saskia, kisses!:)

  18. This is a lovely, charming and relaxing cottage. I could live there. :o)

  19. Sounds exiting Saskia, will go and have a look! Hope het zonnetje schijnt voor jouw het weekend - here it was lovely today! Kusjes :)

  20. Me again! So enjoyed that little tour to the bautiful dutch countryside and your sweet family! You're such a creative and wonderful mum - and so pretty! Hugs voor een heel fijne avond!xox

  21. Felice weekend anche a te mia cara

  22. Happy Weekend to you too Saskia .. ♥

  23. Wat een heerlijke plek Saskia, wat anders dan Rotterdam:) Het ziet er fantastisch uit, net als de fotoos van jou en je kinds...Maar hier is het ook gezellig! Wel leuk om op 2 plekken te kunnen wonen, lieve Rotterdamse groetjes,

  24. Anoniem22/5/11

    Visiting from Gifts of Serendipity. It was lovely to see you part of the world. Charmaine

  25. hi saskia! what a lovely photo.
    how is your beautiful holland?

  26. What a delight to know a little more about you and your family, Saskia! Your country place is truly beautiful. I love that lake and the wild flowers surrounding the property, and your lovely picture with such a beautiful smile! Thanks for letting us have a glimpse into your world! xox

  27. Beautiful picture and place friend.
    Have a great weekend.

  28. Dear Saskia,

    It was great to be able to take a peek into your beautiful life, dear friend.
    Your home is beautiful and looks so tranquil and peaceful out in the Countryside.
    You are beautiful and just adore the gorgeous back view of your darling little ones.
    Thanks for sharing all your amazing photographs.

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend

  29. Leuk om zoveel ,,nieuws,, over je te lezen. Laat ik nu toch gedacht hebben dat je drie kids had. Je bent een echt leuke moeder, geniet van alles en lieve groetjes


  30. I can´t stop looking at your pic at Felicity´s post, dearest Friend...oh, that is pure joy!! You know what, we DO look alike!!! If we say we are sisters people will believe it! Be sure, hair color, skin color,...I am so happy for you, Saskia Friend!! Ottoland is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Heavenly designed by God. I can figure your blessed peas running through the most green grass, picking some flowers, plaing with kites. Oh, also your picnic events!!!
    Thanks, Saskia, for this present you gave us!!!
    Much love to you!!!! Bela
    XXXXXXX Love you!!! XXXXX

  31. I will have to go check it out!!!!
    Have a happy day

  32. Beautiful photo! Happy weekend to you, too!

  33. Oh my friend...thank you for a peek into your lovely world...What joy you spread.

    Hugs. xoxoxo

  34. Happy Sunday Saskia :)
    I so love your beautiful country home! What a wonderful world you live in!
    You my friend are gorgeous to boot , wow!!!!
    I will be back to grab pic and enter your lovely giveaway! I have to go to work!
    Be back later, k!
    lots of love
    gi gi

  35. geniet nog van een mooi paar uurtjes lieve Saskia,hier brandt er ééntje,doen we nog samen?? dikke knuff....x

  36. Hoi Saskia, het weekend is alweer voorbij,hoop dat jullie ervan hebben genoten, wat wonen jullie daar prachtig,dat is genieten.Mooie foto, fijne week Lieve Groetjes Esther.

  37. Beautiful photographs of your lovely little family and idyllic home Saskia....
    Wishing you a week full of all things good,
    Susan x

  38. Ein wunderschöner Blog :) Ich freue mich hier zu sein :) :* Kisses alice

  39. Hej Saskia

    You live your life full to it's senses...thanks for sharing over on Felicity's blog;-) Your home is wonderful because you are full of wonder! Wonderful YOU!

  40. OOOh, sweet Saskia.....I am so happy to learn more about you! I love where you live. It's so pretty. I hope we get to see the city home sometime too.

  41. Dear Saskia,
    Your home is beautiful! Just like you are! I hope you have a blessed day...:)


  42. What fun this was beautiful Sass!
    I absolutely loved meeting your sweet, joy-filled friends who have left such gorgeous notes.

    Many hugs to you Gorgeous, xx Fizz

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Warm Winter Wishes