a Warm welcome to
the first pack of M&M's limited edition in our home
Color does not add a pleasant quality to design,
it reinforces it
Pierre Bonnard
* Lady Foxglove Spires + S *
* Monique + G *
* Elyse *
please send me an email so I can get the chocolate letters up and in the air !
Ohh I so have to get my hands on those yummy treats...hahah:) That is such a sweet photo, darling
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy your day
Ps: I am hosting a stunning leather clutch GIVEAWAY today, just in time for Holiday Parties!
Ha, I love how you say "first" pack - I like the peanut ones best but can eat either by the handful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDeze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Saskia I love these fine candies, but they do not eat often, you still need to pay attention to the line, right?:))
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSending you a big hug and kiss, Zondra Art
Lieve Saskia,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk zie dat jij de leuke bordjes van 'De gouden boekjes' ook niet kon weerstaan :-). Wat zijn ze leuk he?!
Een gezellige avond & lieve groet,
M&Ms make my heart sing....especially green and red!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSending you oodles of sweet love! I just can't help but think what we would do without Chocolate in this world???
I love the sweet little fawn and bunnies behind the candies! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmmm, yummy!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAdorable! I love those and need some right now :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDearest Saskia,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFEAST on those M & Ms and let your family have a great day!
Mariette's Back to Basics
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLIEVE GROET,
Ach wat sneu voor die gekke gele M&M, die mag er met de kerst niet bij zijn :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenpeanut? We have a bag & I put them out onto the counter in very small quantities! lovely photo & lovely quote! hugs to you Saskia! cathy
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm having some right now!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy your day Sweet Friend :)
Oh, I just LOVE M&M's! In fact, I am sure it is an addiction!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenooo leuk ik kom net van de AH en heb het trommeltje in mijn handen gehad maar niet mee genomen. de M&M's wel gekocht. Je foto is weer geweldig. Fijne avond groetjes Esther.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh dear, the picture is lovely! SO SO SO colorful and happy!! Your beauties might enjoy the chocolate and how you envolve them. You might be an adorable mom, Saskia!! So sweet and full of love! Delicate. Lucky lucky four little ones V, B, C and Q!!! Oh, prince M is soooo lucky too!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAila wants I sew her a red hood...yes, yes, she wants to be just like little red ridding hood....rsrsrsr...this girl is so full of "wants"!!!rsrsrs... Much love for you!!! Bela
when i saw those at the store, i knew it was christmas :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJah! Wou ze ook halen, stonden op de reklaam maar wat dach je? Ze hadden ze weer eens niet! Dan toch maar de gewone meegenomen... Soms ben ik het zo beu dat hier in de winkels nooit wat te vinden is. 'Ja maar, wij hebben dat niet hoor!" Aaaarggghh. Sorry, beetje enerverende dag achter de rug. Weet je wat, ik pak een m&meke. Oef! Zucht
I love Christmas M&M's! And I LOVE that sweet deer print behind them in your photo!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHope you're having a beautiful day!
Candy is also a limited edition around here too ;) Your photo is so sweet with the little dear.
Oooo, i am so pleased! Saskia, you are the sweetest, i will email you in your FB.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthanks so much for such a yummy gift. ♥
sending hugs,
mmmmm ze zijn zoooo onweerstaanbaar, dank je wel voor je heerlijke plaatje en kerst voorpret,
i just had some m&m's, saskia....love them in christmas colors. so festive!
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni hope everyone at your house is feeling better. take care, my friend.
Aw, I love that quote (I love Bonnard's work :)) and the happy colours in the photo - thank you for another dose of loveliness, Saskia! I always feel uplifted when I visit you here! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow pretty! What a great idea!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a wonderful evening,
Big Hugs,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk de rode.....?
Jij de groene....?
Fijne avond
Hmmm lekker hoor maar sla deze keer toch maar over, niet goed voor de lijn.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSorry, liefs Stina
Wat een mooie foto weer Saskia.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb ze vandaag ook zien liggen in de winkel....maar heb ze kunnen weerstaan, want oh oh, wat vind ik m&m's toch lekker.
Liefs Ester
Such a happy splash of colour Saskia! Well done to the winners.
Love those red and green Christmassy m&m! Sweets for the Holidays!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove the retro fawn.
BeantwoordenVerwijderentjemie....heb ik wat gemist chocoladeletter...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenkan ik niet meer mee doen?
Begrijp ik het nou goed een zakje m&m's met alleen maar groene en rode m&m's??? Ik ga eens opletten in de winkel. Of heb jij ze gewoon heel mooi gesorteerd :)F
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLiefs Michaja
Hi friend... You never more came in my blog!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love M&M´s red and green! So sweet !!!
Good night and good dreams!
Li adoro!!!!! baci
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAs always, I just love your pics! Have a lovely day filled with JOY, the same type you spread around into our hearts! Love, Lori xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful Saskia...so sweet! and yum!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand WOW Beautiful Saskia..I recieved my wonderful letter from you today..YAY...you are wonderful..super-marvelous and have such a beautiful heart..THANKYOU for your kind spirit and for your magic..I am touched!! hugs and hugs and hugs!
Thankyou..I love it!
M&Ms make me happy and since my favorite color is red I always pick out the red ones for myself. It even tastes better :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLekerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................dikke knuffel van mij.......
BeantwoordenVerwijderenM&M's....YUM! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe found a great way to enjoy M&M's. Pop some popcorn....mix in a few M&M's with it...sweet & salty, a yummy combination! :)
xoxo Gloria
p.s. The deer fabric (or card?) is adorable!
PRECIOUS SASKIA!!! I just got home after a long parent conference this evening and I saw your comment and I AM SO THRILLED THAT YOU RECEIVED YOUR GIFT!!! YES, YES DEAREST, I wrote the story, I drew the pictures and I made the book from cardboard and special paper! I drew the castle for the tag and I drew the card. All for YOU.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMay you always think of me and the JOY you send me constantly. May each day bring you all the goodness that you so deserve, for you give us so much.
Brrrrr, it is cold here; it was 3 degrees farenheit when I got home. But this is nothing chez nous; it can get as low as 30 below in January!!!!!
Mmmmmm...... I love M&Ms..... so sweet!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love them too and everything else about this month! ;D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI just picked up some of those M & M's today. We love them around here...I'm partial to the almond ones :-)
Mmmmm, lekker. En wat leuk, deze speciale M&M's voor de kerst.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOok zo'n hele gezellige foto.
Fijne dag.
Liefs, Pauline
Hallo mijn vriendin!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh dear one, please be careful on the ice! I have fallen several times in my 24 years of living in either Boston Massachusetts or here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is considered one of the coldest states in the union! Do you teach as well dearest? Oh your school just sounds like a haven for children, and shouldn't that be so? Palaces, refuges, sacred places schools should be...I am soooooo thrilled that you are enjoying your gift. May you enjoy every moment of this PRECIOUS SEASON my dear one and OFF I go into the snow. We are having just about 2 inches today, enough to make that silence of the insulation of the snow so magical....Bises, Anita
Oh you have just made my day, Saskia!!! Anita
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love the quote about color! So great!
Best wishes,
Hi Saskia!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThose M & M's ... famous around the world for bringing Happiness to every table; they are a little bundle of wonderful chocolate ~
It's funny how you marked the day the first bag of this season's M & M's came into the home. I think similarly ... the seasons are sprinkled with so many fun memories... right down to those red and green little treats!
I hope you are all feeling well, Saskia, and that each day is cause for celebration!
Your children must be excited ~ this adds so much cheer and joy to your days. How lucky they are to have you as their mother. This is their most important blessing of all ♥
Have a beautiful Thursday dear friend ~
love, Maria
ps...My nordicware pan arrives next week! {around the 15th} I'm so excited :o)
Dear SWEET Saskia, oh i like them!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI've never seen this limited Edition!!
Sorry but i'am too late and time is running!!
enjoy your day
Just realised that you were a teacher too, I should have realised. Happy chocolate munching !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLouise x
Hi Saskia Friend!!! No, my so wanted and expected white sweet surprising box hasn't reached my hands yet. As soon as I receive it I run and type you a happy happy message, my Friend!!! You know, Ria has sent me a box some time before you did so and her box has not arrived yet...Mr. Postman, I guess, is swimming through the oceans and seas to get here....rsrsrs...do not worry, sweet Saskia, it will come safe and sound!!! I know!! My only wish is that I would love to have your white box under my Christmas tree on The Special Night!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow are you, dear? Is it tooooo cold there? No riding to school anymore? I believe not, cause it is so cold you would freeze!!! Are you making good use of the cup pad I sewed for you?? I hope so!!! Now I have just learned how to sew small zippered bags ( I do not know how we call them in English...). I am sewing one for YOU and it is going in the next yellow box!!!
Be fine!! Much love!!!! Bela
Saskia my sweetest friend thank you so very, very much. A parcel from you is such a delight and to think you received my parcel today!!!!.... I agree it was meant to be.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am so delighted and overjoyed that you loved my little parcel and the beautiful message you left for me touched my heart so deeply. You are such a wonderful and beautiful lady to give so generously to many people, to bring Joy and Sunshine to the days. I am so delighted to know and have a friend like you. Thank you.
Sofia is thrilled and can't wait for the parcel! We send hugs and kisses across the sea to you and your lovely little ones, have a wonderful evening my lovely friend. xoxoxo
I love M&M's. I love chocolate! I think I'll buy some at the supermarket near my work.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenRed and green is such a happy combination, especially on M&Ms! Oh Saskia, wij hebben enorme sneuw! Het ziet mooij uit, prachtig wit! Have a chocolaty evening with your sweet ones! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey Saskia,ik ben weer bijna op mijn gemakje,kaarsjes aan,de houtkachel brandt weer zalig,poes ligt te spinnen op de stoel,eetkamer overhoop met alles van mijn kerstspullen...dat wil je niet zien hoor!hier weer druk geweest gisteren en vandaag maar kom je toch nog een zalig avondje toewensen,geniet ervan.....ik de rode m&m's.....tot morgen.....xxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey Saskia ik zie nu dat ons Yentl haar account nog niet afgemeld was,dus even wat anders......x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Saskia, thanks for stopping by my place, Lori's page, and thanks for your concern, am good and we cope with the heavy snow. Lots of cuppas!! Bisous, have a snuggling evening, Lori xxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello, I love your blog! Hope you can stop by and visit - I am new to the blogging world!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI will be looking out for them on my next shopping trip, very festive and perfect for crafty days :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThose would not last long in my house - I would eat them all!! Love them!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat fawn and those bunnies are adorable!M&M's are a must at my house! Have a Great Holiday!
Laura & Michele